Zeyi Huang


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About Me

I am a PhD student at Department of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Yong Jae Lee. Prior to UW Madison, I obtained my M.S. degree from the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, and my B.E. degree from Nanjing University of Science and Technology.

My research interest lies in computer vision and machine learning, particularly in trustworthy machine learning.

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Leveraging Large Language Models for Scalable Vector Graphics-Driven Image Understanding
Zeyi Huang*, Mu Cai*, Yuheng Li, Haohan Wang, Yong Jae Lee
Arxiv, Code

A Sentence Speaks a Thousand Images: Domain Generalization through Distilling CLIP with Language Guidance
Zeyi Huang, Andy Zhou, Zijian Lin, Mu Cai, Haohan Wang, Yong Jae Lee
Arxiv, Code

The two dimensions of worst-case training and their integrated effect for out-of-domain generalization
Zeyi Huang*, Haohan Wang*, Dong Huang, Yong Jae Lee, Eric P. Xing
Arxiv, Code

Toward learning robust and invariant representations with alignment regularization and data augmentation
Haohan Wang, Zeyi Huang, Xindi Wu, Eric P. Xing
Arxiv, Code

Toward learning human-aligned cross-domain robust models by countering misaligned features
Haohan Wang, Zeyi Huang, Hanlin Zhang, Yong Jae Lee, Eric P. Xing
Arxiv, Code

Self-Challenging Improves Cross-Domain Generalization
Zeyi Huang*, Haohan Wang*, Eric P. Xing, Dong Huang
ECCV2020(Oral 2%)
Arxiv, Code

High-frequency Component Helps Explain the Generalization of Convolutional Neural Networks
Haohan Wang, Xindi Wu, Zeyi Huang, Eric P. Xing
CVPR2020(Oral 5%)
Arxiv, Code

Multiple Anchor Learning for Visual Object Detection
Wei Ke, Tianliang Zhang, Zeyi Huang, Qixiang Ye, Jianzhuang Liu, Dong Huang
Arxiv, Code

Complementary Attention Self-Distillation for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection
Zeyi Huang*, Yang Zou*, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar, Dong Huang
Arxiv, Code

Improving Object Detection with Inverted Attention
Zeyi Huang, Wei Ke, Dong Huang
Arxiv, Code

Discriminative Feature Learning with Consistent Attention Regularization for Person Re-identification
Sanping Zhou, Fei Wang, Zeyi Huang, and Jinjun Wang
Arxiv, Code